Dear Madame Greenan,
I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. I've had you for a teacher since ninth grade. You gave me and some other students the opportunity to do French II over the summer and join the Honors French III class. I am eternally grateful for that, so then by senior year, I could complete AP French V. You also wrote my recommendation letters for college, and thanks to your amazing writing skills, I got into my first choice of college and received an awesome scholarship!
I will always remember the time when you handed back our practice exams and I was so down on myself, and you told me that I have something that some other students don't. You made me feel so much better about myself because I am an active participant in class even if I can't say it in French exactly. You encouraged me to do my best, and you always motivated me to do my Compte Rendus. I have so much respect for you. I think that you're an awesome mom as well. I love that you call Goldfish, "fishy crackers." I love starting each B day with your class. You are seriously my favorite teacher, and I'm going to miss you next year.
Merci à toi, Colette! Tes mots de gentillesse m’ont beaucoup touché, et je te remercie du fond de mon coeur. Comme je t’ai fait pleurer en classe cette semaine avant l’examen AP, tu m’as fait pleurer aussi aujourd’hui. Je me souvendrai toujours de ton joli sourire et de ta joie de vivre, et tu me manqueras énormément dans les années qui viennent! Tu es une fille extraordinaire avec un talent de faire rire les gens avec qui tu passes les journées! C’était un plaisir de te voir dans me cours les quatre dernières années et aussi pendant notre voyage en France. Quels beaux souvenirs! N’oublie pas de revenir me voir ici à Marshall. Je te souhaite bonne chance à l’avenir! Gros Bisous!
ReplyDeleteMadame Greenan