Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I Hate What If's, but....

     If I had written a senior speech, this is what it would be.
     I have a message for the underclassmen: if there's someone, (a teacher, a peer, a parent), who says something negative to you or makes you feel worthless, I want you to bottle that up and use their words as fuel to get you out of here. You're so much more than what they think. I've felt worthless, I still feel worthless, but it gets better. That's the one thing they never actually tell you. It. Gets. Better. That's on thing I never remember. I've been down more than I've been up, but you have to go down to appreciate the ups. I don't think anyone would understand happiness until they've been sad. 
     Sometimes I wonder if I'm here for nothing. I wonder if I'm here at all. I just want to know what my purpose is right now. I hate this waiting. I thought that maybe once I turned 18, I'd just magically figure it out. But here's my birthday cake from this year. I really hope that this isn't foreshadowing of what my year entails. It's all melty and falling apart. 
     My high school experience has had mixed reviews from myself. Sometimes I lie to myself and say, "Oh it was horrible how did I survive?!" But other times, I lie the other way, "It was pretty good." But to be honest, I'm still living it, so I can't decide just yet. My roommate for college next year, Linzi, told me that all the bad things she goes through are for something better; she says that all the bad things are preparing her to be able to handle things better and get a better understanding, so she can help others.
She's a very talented painter, and she painted this in 56 hours. I can't imagine giving something important that much of my time. She's so amazing, and I can't wait see her again at orientation. I've already learned so much from her, and we haven't even moved in yet! 

1 comment:

  1. The point of the seniors' thank-you posts is to let those who've touched you during your years at Marshall know just how much they've meant to you, but perhaps we should be writing some thank-you notes of our own to the students as well. Kori, I love that you've been one of the students who is willing to come into my office and talk, just about whatever is on your mind (or about getting to know your talented roommate-to-be!), because those are the students that I always wonder about for years to come. You will do wonderful things, because you aren't afraid to go out there and do what you need to be awesome. Thank you for being you! :)
