Monday, March 3, 2014

Drake University, Here I Come!

Here's the yarn
      I was at Michael's (the craft store) because I wanted to start a new knitting project, and I could not decide what to pick because of all the yarn that they have. My sister, Kara, pointed out one that was dark blue with white stripes, and said, "Hey! This has your new school colors!" so I went with that one! 
Making progress
     I wanted to give you an update of my college plans since I haven't really talked about it too much on my blog. I will be attending Drake University in the fall, and I cannot be more excited! My major will be Environmental Science, but I'd like to double major with Biology, so I can do Marine Biology. I'd also like to minor in French, Music, or Theatre, or maybe all three! I'm so excited to start the next chapter of my life. 
     I recently joined a Facebook group for the class of 2018, and I had to post a little paragraph about myself, basically so I can start to make some friends. For me, it's so nerve-wracking to make new friends at this age! I was so nervous to even post, so I didn't for about a week. I finally got the courage to put myself out there, and a girl actually liked my post! And so did another boy! 
     I was really happy when the girl added me and started Facebook messaging me. Then she gave me her number and we've been texting nonstop for about 4 days now. She is so cool and fun, and we have a lot in common. We like a lot of the same music, which is very important. If she wants to, I'd love to room with her, but I don't want to come on too strong, so I'll wait until she asks. 
     I'm really looking forward to my next visit to Drake, which is over Spring Break for an Admitted Student day. I love what Drake has to offer, and they even send out a schedule of all the things you can do in Des Moines while you're there. I know that I'll want to go shopping! There are so many options and things to choose from. 
     So those are my college plans, and I'm so excited that I got into my first choice and I got a great scholarship! 

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